“Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.”
– Bruce Lee
- April 3-7: Spring Break! No School for all students.
- 385-351-3090
- Administrative Director 385-351-3090 x1131
- Press 1 for Elementary Office
- Press 2 for Junior High Office & Secondary attendance
- Press 3 for High School Office
WV2 & WV3 ★
We will be conducting vision screenings for all students on April 19th and 26th at the WV2 and 3 Campus. The students will be given a distance vision test to see if they can see at a 20/30 level. We will notify you of the results of the test. If a student fails, you will receive a referral letter with more instructions.
Vision screening is not a substitute for an eye examination by an eye care specialist, and it is important that your child see an eye care specialist once a year to evaluate eye health.
If you do not wish your child to participate in the screening program, please EMAIL (EXEMPTIONS ONLY). We need LOTS of parent volunteers to assist with vision screenings. A short 5 minute training is provided, and this is a great way to get in your volunteer hours! This is not a volunteer opportunity that will work to bring small children.
Please contact Karen Thelin 801-494-7446 with questions or if you are available to volunteer.
APA District Fun Run
GET EXCITED! Please mark your calendars for Saturday, May 20 in Daybreak, South Jordan (10491 Lake Ave, South Jordan UT – same place as last year). This event is going to be EPIC! As always, we will have Rusty Keys from FM100.3, Food Trucks, Race Medals, Silent Auction, FUN, and more! AND we are additionally adding more swag, excitement, and additionally extra safety precautions to make this the most fun event and race APA has ever had! Volunteer Signups or Email for Sponsor Opportunities
Elementary yearbooks are now for sale! You can purchase yearbooks for $16 online through March 28th. The website is The school code is 14215. There is also a $2 processing fee. You can also purchase yearbooks for $16 in the elementary office.
NC Marks in Secondary/Attendance School: As a reminder, if a student has more than three tardies (T marks) in a class their grade turns to an NC or no credit mark and they do not receive credit fo the class unless they remove tardies through attending Saturday school. Likewise, if they have more than three unexcused absences (X marks) where they missed class but a parent did not notify us of the absence they would receive an NC mark until it is recovered through attending Saturday school. Please refer to the parent/student handbook for specifics about how to remove T and X marks. Saturday school is always from 8am until 11am. Students must arrive prior to 8am (doors lock at 8am and will not be opened) and must be picked up by 11am. Our next Saturday school offerings will be:
Enrollment applications and the lottery for the 2023-2024 school year are open!
- NEW SIBLINGS: Must be 5yrs old by September 1st, 2023 to qualify for enrollment- no exceptions to this rule. This application is for brothers or sisters of students currently attending one of American Prep Schools. Code: sibling2023
- TRANSFERING to a different American Prep Campus, Request will be processed in the order that they are received, sibling priority taken into consideration. Open seats are limited, so please be sure to get on the transfer waitlist before new student’s lotteries begin in January 2023. Even if you have requested a transfer before, you NEED to fill it out again. Students may transfer between American Prep campuses on a case-by-case priority basis, depending on availability at the receiving campus. Code: transfer2023
- WV1 Campus students ENTERING into 7th GRADE on 2023-2024 School year: 6th graders will automatically have a seat reserved at West Valley 3 Campus; Students will need to meet the requirements of the APA promotion policy and attend WV3 Mandatory Enrollment meeting. You do not need to request a transfer, unless you are requesting a transfer to the Draper 3 Campus.
If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail Ms. Guastella at
We are looking forward to a great 2023-2024 School year!
Please be checking your child’s Alma regularly so that you know if they have any missing work. The end of term is quickly approaching and all missing work needs to be turned in by the end of next week. That also means that our no missing homework incentive will be at the end of this month before we leave for Spring Break.
We have been working hard to learn our pieces for our end-of-year concert in May – hooray! Please ensure that your child attends their Sistema classes daily, so they don’t fall behind in their classes. If your child is sick or has a previously scheduled appointment during after school hours, please call the Sistema office to let us know 385-351-3090 x 1139 or email Mrs. Christensen Each student has been invited to a Google classroom for instrument and singing classes. If your child has to miss Sistema or would like to practice at home, they can pull up their respective Google classroom at home. This can be accessed through their APA student email account.
Our schedule for the rest of this month is as follows:
- March 29: Bring Bach Bucks to Sistema to turn in
- March 30: Bach Buck Store
- March 31: No missing homework incentive
- April 3-7: No School/No Sistema – Spring Break
- For Volunteering opportunities please email us at
– West Valley – Food Service Employee
Parents – we need your help! We have a critical need for a food service employee in West Valley. Do you know someone who is interested in working part-time to help feed our students? We pay starting $12 per hour up to $15 per hour and employees work 5 hours per day (approx 8:30am-1:30pm). Bilingual preferred.
Please send this link to your family and friends! Email questions to